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    Product Suppliers

    The term supplier can be understood from the side of party the supplied. Supplier on this page is intended for suppliers of goods. Suppliers provide raw materials to the manufacturers. Then the manufacturer can also become a supplier to others. In general, suppliers provide goods on an ongoing basis. Although a project runs for a certain period of time, project suppliers can partner with a project contractors to work together for the next project.

    Distributors of Goods

    Distributors are also called wholesalers for buying goods from manufacturers in large quantities intended for resale to retailers or resellers, each in smaller amounts. If quantity is not an obstacle, distributor can distribute also to end users. Distributors exist because not all retailers can buy in bulk and not all producers can sell in small quantities.

    Find Suppliers and Distributors

    Suppliers and distributors distribute and sell the items you need. Sellers may represent one or more types of goods or brands. Because the shortening of the distribution chain, direct sales to consumers are not impossible anymore. Discover suppliers, providers, suppliers of goods, distributors and sellers that you need for your project, production, consumption or for resale.

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